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Everybody's Talking About Jamie (2021)
{"en-US":"Jamie New is 16 and doesn’t quite fit in—instead of pursuing a "real" career he dreams of becoming a drag queen. Uncertain about his future, Jamie knows one thing for sure: he is going to be a sensation. Supported by his loving mom and his amazing friends, Jamie overcomes prejudice, beats the bullies and steps out of the darkness, into the spotlight.","es-ES":"Jamie New tiene 16 años y no encaja del todo. En lugar de seguir una carrera "real", sueña con convertirse en drag queen. No muy convencido sobre su futuro, Jamie sabe una cosa con certeza: será una sensación. Con el apoyo de su madre y sus amigos, Jamie supera los prejuicios, vence a sus acosadores, y sale de la oscuridad para convertirse en el centro de atención."}
Elenco principal
Sarah Lancashire
Margaret NewLauren Patel
Pritti PashaSharon Horgan
Miss HedgeRichard E. Grant
Hugo Battersby / Loco ChanelleShobna Gulati
RayRalph Ineson
Jamie's DadAdeel Akhtar
Iman MasoodSamuel Bottomley
Dean PaxtonMidia
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